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South Carolina Railroad Cerificates of Indebtedness

South Carolina Railroad Cerificates of Indebtedness

I’ve taken a shine to the lovely 2-sided certificates of indebtedness from The South Carolina Railroad Company. All used examples I’ve seen have revenue stamps affixed and are canceled in 1866.

What drew me to these are not only the aesthetics (the reverse reminds me of currency designs of the period), but the unusual denominations in which they are available. I have obtained examples of the following denominations:

  • $7.50
  • $15
  • $17.50
  • $35
  • $75
  • $175

They all have 5-cent 1st issue revenues affixed, except for the last, which has a 10-cent affixed.

There is also an $87.50 denomination, but I have not yet found an example that I liked enough to purchase.

Does anyone know whether these were issued in any other denominations that I don’t list above? I’d love to put together a complete set.

Images below of the ones I have. Thank you for the assistance.

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