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Proprietary Medicine Revenue Documents, Packaging, And Other Ephemera

Proprietary Medicine Revenue Documents, Packaging, And Other Ephemera

I had been meaning to get material written up and added to my website, but I am soooooooo far behind just due to RL issues and obligations that I don’t know how soon it will happen, so in the interim I’m doing a brief photo dump.

Most of this material came from two sources: (1) a series of eBay auctions held by the same seller back in February, and (2) pieces from a collection that Denny Peoples purchased at an Indiana club show in March.

The material ranges from revenue documents to billheads to advertising to just stuff that I found neat and/or visually attractive. There’s a ton more, but these are the most significant or aesthetically interesting; most of the other material is fodder for my (future) billhead database.

Many of the items from the collection Denny acquired are on album/exhibit pages, and I have decided to leave them that way (at least for the time being), preserving any context the prior owner provided.

Each item is numbered above the image for easy reference in discussion.

#11 while not revenue-related, I found especially cool: an advertising circular that when folded, resembled a posted envelope.

The medicine labels/packaging with revenues affixed are particularly cool, IMO… especially #26, which also features a label from E. W. Hoyt & Co. The large-format retailer printed cancel shown on the revenue stamp is as of now unattributed.

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