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Great Civil War satirical piece

Great Civil War satirical piece

This CDV isn’t all that interesting philatelically. Rather it is the front that is of greatest interest: a patriotic satire ridiculing the Confederacy that shows Jefferson Davis in a dress. The caption reads ‘Brutal attack on helpless women by the U.S. government’. The dialogue has a woman saying ‘You had better not provoke the president, he might hurt some of you’ and a Union soldier replying ‘Yer dont say’.

A reply from another collector:

I believe there is some truth in this satire. There are conflicting stories regarding Jefferson Davis’s attire at the time of his capture. Although he probably did not wear a dress at the time of his apprehension, he most probably was wearing a woman’s coat and headdress to avoid capture, according to some versions I have read.

And don’t forget, it was not long after President Lincoln’s assassination that this event occurred. So, there was a lot of bitterness toward the Southern leadership. To this day, it is not known whether or not John Wilkes Booth was acting officially for the Confederacy.

My response:

According to the datestamp on the CDV, it would have been only 16 days after Jefferson Davis was captured on May 10, 1865.

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